How to find my DHL office?


We're here to assist you in tracking your parcel or package shipped via DHL. However, if you haven't sent it yet and are currently seeking DHL locations to dispatch your shipment, the locator page is the right place for you.

Simply select your country or region of residence, input your zip code or address, and discover the nearest service point. The search results will provide you with the office address, its operating hours, and the array of services available. Typically, at your nearest office, you can both receive and dispatch packages. Once you've shipped your parcel from the closest DHL location, tracking options will become accessible.

Types of DHL Shipping Locations

If you're looking for original DHL shipping locations, you may observe that they are not plentiful across the US. In major cities, you'll typically find one facility. To pinpoint this facility, utilize the DHL US office locations menu, which provides comprehensive information about each location.

DHL Express Locations

For DHL Express shipments, visit the locator page, input your address, and select the desired service type. This will generate a list of all DHL Express locations where you can dispatch your express shipment.
