Does Fedex deliver on Sunday

Does Fedex deliver on Sunday

fedex sunday delivery

FedEx is a corporation that specializes in delivery services. This company works all over the globe, and it’s trusted not only by individuals but also by corporations. The main reason for this is that the team of FedEx does everything to satisfy the customers. Let’s find out - Does Fedex deliver on Sunday?

However, sometimes even the most popular companies have shortcomings, and the main thing clients should know before sending the parcel is that there is no Sunday Delivery option provided by FedEx. The organization delivers packages only on business days. That’s why if a person wants to receive the package as fast as possible, he should order the items needed beforehand.

Fedex hours Sunday

fedex hours sunday

does fedex run on sunday

Even though there is no possibility of receiving the parcel on Sundays, you shouldn’t worry about that. If you are afraid that there are no spare minutes in your schedule for receiving the order, there are some unique options provided by FedEx, and late delivery is one of them. Fedex hours Sunday allows you to get the package you’ve ordered in the evening, the time of the delivery depends on the option you’ve chosen:

  • For Express - till 7 p.m.;
  • For Ground and Home services - until 7 p.m. and 8 p.m.;
  • For Freight and LTL delivery - till 5 p.m.